Six judges remain in apex court

SUPREME Court Justice Prakash Wasti is retiring on Tuesday. With his retirement, the number of justices at the apex court will be six, according to SC spokesperson Shreekant Poudel. Tuesday onwards, Chief Justice Khilaraj Regmi, Justices Damodar Prasad Sharma, Ram Kumar Prasad Shah, Kalyan Shrestha, Girish Chandra Lal and Sushila Karki will remain in the Supreme Court. Bharatraj Upreti, who was also retiring along with Wasti, has resigned earlier expressing dissatisfaction at the Judicial Council’s reluctance to appoint judges on time. On December 6, five temporary justices— Baidyanath Upadhyay, Tarkaraj Bhatta, Gyanendra Bahadur Karki, Bharat Bahadur Karki and Kamal Narayan Das— had to leave office. The vacating process at the apex court is serious in the absence of parliament as the law requires parliamentary hearing of candidates for the appointment of permanent justices.


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